Winterfest Ski Resort Style T-Shirt

Winterfest Ski Resort Style T-Shirt


Were you really at Winterfest if you don't have a t-shirt to prove it?

Funds raised from merchandise orders directly impact the Virginia Highland community!

All orders are pick-up only and will be available at the merchandise booth at Winterfest on December 10, 2022. A shipping address may be requested at checkout, but shipping is not currently available. Sponsors will be printed on the back of the shirt.

RAFFLE TICKETS WITH PURCHASE: 1 ticket rewarded for purchases of $50 or more, 3 tickets rewarded for purchases of $75 or more, 5 tickets rewarded for purchases of $100 or more, 8 tickets rewarded for purchases of $150 or more, and 15 tickets rewarded for purchases of $200 or more.